Our Services
For over 25 years
MEDEA is a company with consolidated experience in the strategic design and in the promotion of innovative solution deployment. For over twenty years, it has been supporting its customers with high-value services:
Medea operates through:
- a multidisciplinary team;
- a methodology based on evidence and impact assessment;
- validated replicability and scalability strategies.
Innovation Management
The key element for high levels of competitiveness is the deployment of a strong strategic innovation management premising to optimally capture external opportunities for business growth.
- MEDEA, for over twenty years, supports its customers with high added value services:
- Positioning of innovation in the global panorama
- Technology Forecasting and Technology Assessment
- IPR (intellectual Property Right) and FTO (Freedom to Operate) Analysis
- Innovation roadmap
- Innovation deployment
- Project Management
- Support for the certification of medical devices
- Market Analysis and Business Plan
- Exploitation and Communication strategy
- Market Analysis and Business Plan
- Exploitation and Communication strategy
- Impact assessment
- Medea’s staff operates through:
- a methodology based on evidence and assessment of impact of innovative solutions;
- deep knowledge of quality standards;
- multidisciplinary approach.
Strategic Planning & Fund Raising
MEDEA is a company with a consolidated experience in strategic planning and fund raising oriented to innovation processes.
Medea provides support to customers through high added value solutions refined through over 20 years of experience in the management of strategic projects and networks setting-up.
In each phase of the project design, Medea offer customized solutions through the deployment of a co-design approach and a multidisciplinary working-group:
- definition of the project idea and feasibility study;
- identification of the proper financial instruments;
- definition of strategic partnership and stakeholder engagement;
- co-design and definition of the project architecture;
- proposal drafting and budget definition;
- project management and monitoring;
- evaluation of the project impact;
- results exploitation strategy;
- administrative management and financial reporting in accordance with the guidelines.
Impact Assessment
MEDEA provides its customers the evaluation of the socio-economic impact of innovative products and services.
- In order to support its customers, MEDEA’s goal is:
- to define innovation paths;
- to support replication and scalability strategies of successful experiences.
MEDEA supports the definition of methodologies, criteria and guidelines for the impact evidence generation, replicability and scaling-up of successful experiences.
Key elements:
- use of tools and indicators representing and investigating multidisciplinary and multidimensional aspects of impact;
- bottom-up approach allowing to integrate the specificities of local experiences, with criteria and parameters supporting the evidence of the obtained results;
- focusing on the scalability determinants of innovation;
- software application to support data collection and results reporting.
People are the critical success factor of a project, or a company. A winning business needs competent and motivated human resources.
MEDEA provides highly customized training in order to change and improve services and products and also to introduce new technologies in productive and organizational processes.
- MEDEA provides solutions characterised by:
- Customised and multidisciplinary approach
- Excellence
- On the job training
Since 2016, MEDEA, together with I+ e Ulster University, organises the Connected Health Summer School: