Medea is responsible for the impact assessment analysis of the first European large scale pilot on smart living for the active and healthy aging: ACTIVAGE
It’s partner of many research and innovation projects with responsibility such as: to define the service model, stakeholder engagement, usability analysis, impact assessment, exploitation of results.
THE – Tuscany Health Ecosystem: boosting and supporting the growth and consolidation of the life sciences ecosystem of Tuscany
NEXT GENERATION EU – Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza
Budget: € 110.000.000
PUREMIND – Personal Natural Environment-Gene-Gut-Brain Interactions Based Ecosystem For Prevention of Mental Illness in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
HORIZON Europe; G.A. n. 101156916-2
Budget: € 9.845.662,72
ThrombUS – Wearable Continuous Point-of-Care Monitoring, Risk Estimation and Prevention for Deep Vein
HORIZON Innovation Action; G.A. n. 101137227
Budget: € 9.565.763,75
HealthyW8 – Personalized Intervation Portfolios to Prevent and Control Obesity during Vulnerable Stages of Life
HORIZON Europe; G.A. n. 101080645
Budget: € 10.000.000
DOME – A Distributed Open Marketplace for Europe Cloud and Edge Services
HORIZON Europe; G.A. n. 101084071
Budget: € 39.342.634,17
Partecip.AGE – Supporting community participation and social inclusion of Ageing People with Intellectual Disabilities
Erasmus+; G.A. n. 101089694
Budget: € 250.000
PvSTATEM – New tools for the control and elimination of P.vivax malaria
HORIZON Europe; G.A. n. 101057665
Budget: € 6.794.427
ETHEREAL – Epigenetic – Genetic – Mental health cascade based personalized prevention of non-communicable disease in adolescents diagnosed with autism
HORIZON Europe; G.A. n. 101095568
Budget: € 1.780.806,74
AGAPE – Active aGeing And Personalised service’s Ecosystem
Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Programme
Budget: € 2.169.371
ROOMMATE – IntegRated system of rObOts and Multimedia Monitors: technology for innovAtion and personalizaTion of rEhabilitation
Enabling health and care systems transformation through research and innovation (THCS) Programme
Financial support received: € 81.040,50
PHARAON – Trusted digital solutions & Cybersecurity in Health-Care
Horizon 2020; G.A. n. 857188
Budget: € 21.319.813,75
Our older projects:
The company MEDEA S.r.l. certifies the existence of aid subject to the obligation of publication in the National Register of State Aid and fulfils the obligation pursuant to Article 1, paragraphs 125 et seq. of Law 124/2017, as amended by Article 35 of the ‘Growth’ decree, Decree-Law 34/2019, by referring to the Register at the following link:
Aiuti e Contributi Pubblici / Public Aid and Contributions – 2023 (pdf)
Aiuti e Contributi Pubblici / Public Aid and Contributions – 2022 (pdf)
Aiuti e Contributi Pubblici / Public Aid and Contributions – 2021 (pdf)
Aiuti e Contributi Pubblici / Public Aid and Contributions – 2020 (pdf)