Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014 – 2020
Project goal: The project focuses on the creation of an innovative access control platform able to integrate the standard access control features with face recognition and video surveillance.
The prototype will verify the correspondence between the facial biometric data with the tickets, which are the classic physical elements such as badges or pins, but also the most modern access credentials available via smartphone (NFC and Bluetooth).
The innovation elements of the project relate to the creation of a complete and centralized platform integrating within it multiple subsystems: physical access control, video surveillance and facial recognition, offering the possibility of operating control actions, monitoring and intervention and ensuring very high levels of safety.
The goal is to create a product to be included in the Physical Security of any organization or company. For Physical Security the complex of fundamental measures useful to protect one’s business process is identified. The Physical Security finds a valid support in the Security Information Management, which governs the security infrastructures. SCANFACE plays a role of OPEN PLATFORM in the complex panorama of Physical Security Information Management, offering a modular architecture to which several integration components belong.
The system adopts a modern information tracking mechanism, which allows a correct understanding of the events and a valid decisional support for users and administrators. It intervenes in the performance of routine functions and in critical situations. In case of critical events, SCANFACE can implement actions based on specific scenarios, analyzing the events and proposing to the administrators the complete and articulated vision of the context.
Financial support received: € 117.036,07
Made in partnership with:
A PLUS S.r.l., PI and BI S.r.l., Mind Informatica S.r.l.

Tuscany Region